Kia Ata Mai Educational Trust

Kia Ata Mai Educational Trust Kia Ata Mai Educational Trust is one of the popular Education located in ,-NA- listed under Education in -NA- ,

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* Kiaata mai!

Kia Ata Mai Educational Trust social media is managed by individuals within the organisation with the general purpose of disseminating relevant or topical information, encouraging productive interaction and developing a community of professional learning. We endeavour to respond to questions in reasonable time as would be expected in the social media context.

Social media and blogs are, by definition, expressions of personal opinion. The views and opinions expressed on Kia Ata Mai Educational Trust’s Facebook page do not necessarily represent those of the Trust or Trustees. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or reliability of all information posted.

For your safety, never include your phone number, email, address or other personal information in a post. Your comments are visible to all.

We ask that you’re respectful in your comments. We reserve the right to remove anything we deem:
Abusive or personal attacks
Material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful or embarrassing to any other entity
Third party advertising
Chain letters or ‘spam’
We also reserve the right to terminate involvement by users who post such content.

If you have concerns or complaints about posts you see on our social media channels we encourage you to make contact with us at

Map of Kia Ata Mai Educational Trust